Leaving Care

ICS Semi-Independent Services for Young People 16+ was launched in August 2009.

Since then ICS has been supporting young people from different age, ethnicity, background, religion etc.

At present, we support Young People in our 24-hour Units  and shared or stand-alone accommodation.  These units are located in Ilford, Forest Gate, Croydon and Streatham.

We are committed to providing individual support and care packages that embrace opportunities to:

  • Improve health and well being
  • Maximise quality of life
  • Enable positive contribution
  • Allow choice and control
  • Engage in freedom from discrimination or harassment
  • Develop life skills
  • Facilitate personal dignity
  • Promote Independence

We appreciate that  some young people may have been living in a group living setting or within a substitute family setting and as such may have not had the support and guidance to help prepare them for independent living.

 Person centered support

  • Providing care and support that is focused on the individual, and their needs.
  • Choice and Control – Service Users are allowed and supported to make choices.
  • Learning – an approach that helps Service Users to try new things and learn new skills
  • A care approach that values, and fosters good relationships
  • Communication – speaking to people respectively and listening to what they have to say.