Referral & Admissions

Referral & Admission

Referral and admission to ICS for Leaving Care support is considered for young people aged 16 +.

The types of young people most likely to benefit from our service would be:

  • Returning Service Users from out of Borough back to their own Borough
  • A young person who is at the stage of leaving a group living setting such as a Children’s Home or Boarding School
  • A young person who is leaving a Foster care setting
  • A family breakdown
  • Unaccompanied Asylum seeking young person
  • A young person who may be homeless
  • Young people with:
  • LD
  • Mental Health
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • OCD
  • Drug Misuse
  • Medical conditions (diabetes, arthritis and so forth)
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Gang Affiliation/Offending Behaviour

ICS takes referrals from local authorities (Young Peoples and Adult Services). We also consider referrals from health service providers and the private sector.

Once an initial referral request has been made, a meeting will be arranged with the young person, placing social worker and a member of Inclusive Care Support Ltd management team.

This meeting will be to discuss the suitability of the placement and also to explain what Inclusive Care Support Ltd has on offer. This is also to ascertain the young person’s views and feeling about living within our properties.

If it is agreed for the Young Person to make use of our service, a formal planning meeting will be held and the placement agreement will be completed and signed by the young person, placing social worker and Inclusive Care Support Ltd.

If it is agreed an informal visit can be arranged to see the property and to allow the young person to familiarise themselves with their surroundings.


Emergency Referrals

Inclusive Care Support Ltd appreciates that sometimes short notice is given to find suitable accommodation / service for Young People, we are able to provide an emergency admissions procedure if this is required.




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